In 1996, TOYVAX got company with the purchase of a 275MHz DEC 3000/900
Alpha workstation named ALPHIE. These
are the two I keep running. I also have two other VAXstation 3100s, another
Model 38 and a Model 76/SPX. In addition, I have a VAXstation 4000/60 with
SPXgt graphics.
TOYVAX is a Digital Equipment Corporation VAXstation 3100/SPX Model 38
recently upgraded to
OpenVMS VAX V7.2 with
DECWindows Motif V1.2-5.
It's not as pretty, nor as fast as the VAXstatation 4000 series or the
AlphaStations, but I love it just the same. I've connected a Sony boombox
to the audio output of my RRD46 CD-ROM player and use
XMCD to control
the player. TOYVAX is on
the Internet at toyvax.Glendale.CA.US.
The above picture is from May 1997.