PUPIL'S NAME: Vance Haemmerle SCHOOL: Vista Square
Speaks pleasantly to others: Always Is careful of property: Yes Shares materials, and experiences: Sometimes Works and plays happily: Most of the time Obeys rules for safe living: Yes - wants to cooperateWORK HABITS
Plans and follows directions: Somewhat hesitant but will when encouraged Chooses and completes work: Usually Cleans up after work: AlwaysEMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT
Takes part in group activites: Sometimes Is learning self-control: Is trying - cries easilyINTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT
Shows creative ability: Especially has original ideas in block building Is curious about his surroundings: Somewhat Applies what he knows in new situations: Hesitant about trying new ideas until reassured Is beginning to see likenesses and differences in amounts, colors, shapes, sounds: YesLANGUAGE EXPERIENCES
Takes part in conversation: Part of the time Listens when others talk: Often Speaks clearly: Needs to tone down his voice Enjoys stories and poems: Exceedingly interestedART EXPERIENCES
Uses a variety of materials: SometimesMUSIC EXPERIENCES
Participates in music activities: SeldomPHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT
Is developing motor coordination: Satisfactory Progress Attends to his personal needs: Always Is forming good health habits: YesCONFERENCE COMMENTS & PLANS
Vance is doing well in kindergarten. He has many original ideas especially when block building. When excited, his voice is too loud. I've noticed that he is making good progress emotionally and seldom crys now.
Jan. 29, 1968 (Mrs.) Mary Barry ------------- ------------------------ (date) (teacher's signature)SECOND REPORT
Vance has done good work in kindergarten. He is a sincere boy and is particularly interested in math and building with blocks. Although he has been absent often due to illness, he has kept up with the class. I've enjoyed having Vance in class and good luck in the future.GRADE PLACEMENT FOR SEPTEMBER 1968, GRADE I
June 14, 1968 (Mrs.) Mary Barry ------------- ------------------------ (date) (teacher's signature)
29,200th access since January 8th, 2001.